Thursday, January 12, 2012

why did i get married 2 cast!I feel like I did the right thing, but why I am feeling guilty?

The man I used to love really hurt me. He may have liked me a little bit, but he never did anything about it. I was half in love with him. He led me on and made me believe he loved me back. He took back a concert ticket to take another girl. He pushed me aside so he could chase a married woman. He would go for weeks without contacting me, and when he would, I responded, but then he ignored me. He promised to send me a list of concerts and fix my car, but he never did. He was breaking my heart every single day. He might have slightly cared; he was always curious about me. I'm not like other girls, and I think he noticed that. He wanted to get under my skin.
Well, I'm so over him now. I started ignoring him, being cold, acting like he's not even there. I deleted him from Facebook and am very brief with him if he ever spoke to me.

Now, I am directing a play in college. I am one of four directors. The guy auditioned for my show only. To increase his chances of getting cast, he could have auditioned for the other three, but he auditioned for mine only. I didn't cast him in my shwhy did i get married 2 castow.

I have two questions:
1- Why did he audition for my play only?
2- Did I do the right thing by not casting him?
You did the right thing. Go away from him because he is just trouble for you.You don't deserve to be treated like that because I can see you are a nice person and that guy is a geek,.
I though you said you are so over him now and you are ignoring him. Why do you bother at all? Yes you did the right things by any means. Love yourself first.
What he did was use you purely for the attention you gave him. He may have liked you but most likely he didn't. He was in it for the chase and that's it, so good for you for ignoring him and all of that.

1. Why did he audition only for your play? Maybe that the only one that interested him OR maybe to get your attention since you are ignoring him he wanted to get to you some how.

2. Did you not cast him because you didn't want to be around him? Did you not cast him because he didn't deserve the part? Did you not cast him because he wasn't a good actor?

If you didn't cast him because you didn't want to be around him AND why did i get married 2 casthe was a good actor then I would have to say that probably wasn't the right choice. BUT I can understand why you wouldn't want him in your play after everything that he did. But what you are doing is lowering yourself to his level but playing his games. If he was good I would be tempted to cast him BUT then you have the upper hand. Be very professional with him, don't get close to him, keep him at a distance and he'll get the picture.
He is like a little boy who is saying to you "I'm playing out as well". Ner ner ner ner ner.

He drove you away but if you keep speaking to him he will get mixed messages.

You are doing the right thing deleting his details and not casting him in the play.

Or he could be as thick as a plank of wood and it is taking him a long time to get the hint.
well he is trying to get back with you because the married woman probably ended him off so.... dont feel guilty about it really if you trat him the way he treats you then maybe he'll leave you alone

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