Wednesday, January 11, 2012

adults who lie!Why do grown adults who earn a decent living and pay their bills have to lie about?

...watching porn? Shouldn't they be allowed to do whatever they want? It's not like they make their kids watch it.
They only lie about it when their partner is an insecure control freak.
Women who are secure don't care about porn- they know their man is totally into THEM when they are having sex.

And is usually very YOUNG, insecure women who ask questions like that. Us 40+-somethings are realistic.
There are men who are addicted and unable to have normal relations with their spouse and this is a problem. I object to porn for religious reasons however I would not demand this of my husband because like you say he is grown and can make his own decisions, I do not want someone who has any addictions as I do not want to put up with that. I have only a few deal breakers but they are deal breakers. I want fidelity, no abuse and he must disclose any addiction so I can make a clear decision whether I want to take the chance on him. May God have mercy on him if he lies to me. He would be fortunate if I only kicked him to the curb on a bad day I would just shoot. I do not put up with abuse and don't make a fool out of me.
The adult industry only generates billions of dollars world wide, but it is something that most people do not openladults who liey communicate with each other. In every town, every county you will find adult stores, clubs, etc. They are not open because they are losing money.

The reality is that most women feel that men watch porn in place of their women and not in addition to loving their women. Women enjoy porn, men enjoy porn, and we all masturbate too... but men cover their tracks because wives and girlfriends do not understand that we are not comparing them to porn stars... we are enjoying the sexual release and dreaming that our wives and lovers were that open and that relaxed about sex.

For too many of us, making love falls in a 15 minute window when the kids are asleep and men are lucky if their wife focuses on being loved and not on the dust on the ceiling fan, the laundry in the hamper, or the realization that her husband is making love to her and she should have shaved her legs two days ago...

In porn the women want it and the sex is the only thing going on in that world. It is quite a nice place to be a fly on the wall.
Because so many people are so insecure about porn. Mostly it is women that have the insecurities about it. I am not saying most women... I am saying it is mostly women.

I do agree somewhat with Ivy, they are ashamed so they lie. The shadults who lieame is caused by their partner telling them it is wrong.
What does earning a decent living and paying bills have to do with being "allowed" to watch porn?

You make it sound as thought unemployed or finacially irresponsible people don't have the right to enjoy porn.
They don't have to lie about it, they choose to lie about it.

I find it silly to lie about it, no need to lie.
nobody should have to lie about it.they lie because they're ashamed of themselves for whatever reason.
i don't have a clue. maybe they grew up in a home where it was frownd upon there for they like to keep it to themselves..
Plus i don't care if they lie about it it's not really my business. lol
Talk to your sisters and girlfriends dear. I don't hear / read too many men complaining about her watching porn.
who said we have to lie about it? and what's with the porn questions this morning?
I don't have to lie about it. Never have, never will either! Count me out of having to be chastised for it...
Because it is a very immoral thing to do, that is so widely accepted. Personally my husband and I never have watched it, we don't need to. People who watch it obviously are lacking in something.

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