Wednesday, January 11, 2012

santa claus!Santa Claus!?

I recenlty found out my friend told her 6 year old son that there isn't really a Santa Claus, even though he still beleived in Santa.

I think Santa is the one pure innocent thing children have now a days and taking that away so young is unfair.

How old do you think a child should be told about Santa?

Personally my parents never actually told me, I belived for so long until I just figured it out. They still stuff my stocking and leave an unwrapped prestent under the tree for me. I'm 27 and don't even live with them anymore. =)
I think what your parents did was the right thing. Why tell a child? If a child asks, and asks and they are still young you tell them if you BELIEVE he is real. Just because you don't see something doesn't mean it actually exist. Your parents sound really cool, you are lucky.. =)
My friend is 12, and he still belives in Santa Claus. I think its creepy, even though his parents told him, he still belives he's real... Creepy

not really aren't kids supposed to be told the kid is not creepy the parents are!'s not creepy to believe in Santa when your 12. It's almsot like the magic is gone if you don't. Most of my freinds still believe, they are normal and everything, FYI. Hey at least we don't take pictures wisanta clausth the mall santa! =S Don't tell them, they'll figure it out.It'll kill the spirit.

You mean he isn't real ? I thought he was
I still beleiving in Santa!
He still leaving somehting for me under the tree...

Christmas and Santa are not just for kids!

Anyway I think kids have to figure out everything about Santa by themselves.

You shold not lie to them, but not make them suffer about the true!
in about the 5th grade because it gives them time to exept it by the time they are in middle school
I don't think a child should ever be told that Santa isn't real. Let the child discover that on it's own. I still believe in Santa. :o)
Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas
I dont think theres any need to tell a child ..t we figured it out all by our selves....and they will too .....don't ruin a good thing....
It's like so wrong! I figured it out when I was like in Third grade my friends told me. And my mom had to tell me. Even though I already knew.
Preferably before you give them the sex talk...
When they are n 4th or 5th grade coz this is around the time they will start to mature.
I guess u can never tell a child that there isn't a santa claus, because u don't want to kill the christmas spirit. I guess we can tell them though, because I think that Christmas is time to celebrate the birth of Jesus rather than Santa Clausanta clausse sneaking presents at night. I do believe that I am stuck
I can't believe that either, she should have waited until he was about ten, because at six she is taking away a little of his innocence that makes seeing christmas through a child's eyes soooooooooooooooo very special. I am proud that you parents let you find out on your own and still in a way act like there is still a Santa, because he does live, in our hears. Merry Christmas!
that mom needs a smack in the head!!! I am like you... find out on your own. my step-son said in conversation this year around my 5 year old there was no such thing as the easter bunny.... i almost lost it. children need to hold onto their innocence as long as they can b/c before you know it the world is stripping it away.
I think that 5th grade is the right time to tell them
with my kids, i have always let them believe in Santa Claus up untill they figured it out,,, I think the same way you do I think that is way to young to tell a child the only really thing they have to belive in when they are a child,,, man that really sucks that that child doesnt get to beleive in him,,,
They had Spongebob too, but then there were some sick angry fuc kers saying he's gay.....

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