Thursday, January 12, 2012

mayo clinic diet plan!Is the grapefruit diet plan realy the best way to lose weight and burn fat

Just trying to figure out if the grapefruit diet plan is any good. The mayo clinic egg grapefruit diet is another.

I found this site and I am curious
To be honest, diets just don't work fullstop. People that go on diets may lose weight, but they'll find that they'll gain it back again having stopped the diet - and probably more on top. The key to losing weight successfully is a healthy balance of foods (I usually recommend 6 small meals a day, with a decent amount of protein, carbs and fat present - most people should aim for around 1g of protein per 1lb of body weight to maintain muscle mass).

To lose weight you need to create a calorie deficit - it will take a deficit of around 3,500 calories to burn 1lb of body fat. This is about 500 calories a day. I would suggest trying to cut your calorie intake by 250 calories a day, and increase your exercise levels to burn the additional.

You should be able to healthily lose around 1-2lbs of fat a week. Maybe a little more if you're very overweight. Anymore than that any you'll be burning off muscle mass and water rather than fat. (Remember, your body is built to survive, not look good. If you starve your body it will hold on to body fat as its a better source of energy and will help it to survive longer. Muscle takes 4 calroies to burn 1g, fat takes 9 calories - ergo its more than twice as easy for your body to burn muscle as it is fat).
Any "diet" that involves eating less than you need to power your day will result in weight loss. Stored fat is used to make up the calorie deficit.

The "best" diet is one that contains appropriate proportions of each food group, ie, balanced.

Exercise can help the procemayo clinic diet planss along by increasing your fuel requirements. When your taking in larger amounts of fuel, its also easier to get sufficient micronutrients (vitamins).

Any combination of eating less and moving more will work. I like to eat, so a couple hours or more a day of hard exercise (triathlon training) works better for me than trying to subsist on tiny meals. For others, its easier to count calories. Up to you and your temperament.

As for the grapefruit diet, see the following quote from your link:

"The Egg Grapefruit Diet Plan should not be followed for more than 2 weeks as you will be missing out on other important nutrients for your bodies overall health. "

I think that sums it up.
"For the most part, the Mayo Clinic Diet aka "Mayo Clinic Grapefruit Diet" consists of a diet based around Grapefruit between meals, lots of Salads/Veggies, Protein and a minimal amount of carbohydrates/grains."

I think the reason this works has nothing to do with the grapefruit and more to do with the lower carbohydrate approach. It's similar to the way I eat that has gotten me to drop 30 pounds that I didn't even think I could lose.

Carbohydrates trigger an insulin response and insulin is the hormone responsible for fat storage. Lower your insulin, lose fat.

I hated the idea of low carb diets until I was introduced to a few people I trusted. I decided to give it a try and since then I'm a convert.
I would try this workout. At the same time you will be gaining muscule and burning fat. So its awesome.

WHAT YOU'LL NEED: Two 5 pounds weights.
* means one 5 pound weight in each hand.

If you don't have two 5 pound weights try using water bottles full of water.

*20 Bench Press x3
20 squats x3
*20 side arm lifts x3
20 crunches x3
20 push-ups x3
*20 lunges x3
20 leg lifts x3
Walk for 30 mins

Stmayo clinic diet planretching before your workout helps you not to pull a muscule during your workout.

Stretching after your workout helps you not be AS sore afterward.

I try to do this everyday, but I'm sure you would get results doing this only 2-4 days a week. I recomend everyday.

Eat 1500 calories a day and drink 8 glasses of water daily.

You will lose weight and tone up!

I've lost 6 pounds and I've only been doing it for a week!

You can do it! i know you can!

You will be sore. and it will hurt but you can do it.

Don't be scared to add more excercises of more reps.

Hope this works for you!
italian diet fish lean meat olive oil garlic fruits veggie 3 small meals and excercise
It's not a good plan. Any plan which tells you to eat a lot of the same thing over and over again is not good.
No, it's definitely not a good way to lose weight. The grapefruit diet is one of the many fad diets out there right now and it has been proven that fad diets are not effective for long term weight loss.

That being said, the best and healthiest way to lose weight and keep it off would be to follow a healthy, sensible meal plan and stick with an exercise regime. A good healthy diet consists of foods from all the food groups. This means plenty of lean proteins, whole grains, fat free dairy, and of course, fruits and veggies. Limit the amount of fat in the diet, but it's good to have some healthy fats (those found in nuts, olive oil, and avocados). Eat smaller meals every 3 hours rather than 2 or 3 large meals and be sure to drink plenty of water. Do some form of cardio exercise at least 30min a day and try to get your heart rate up (fat burning zone).

Best of luck

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