Wednesday, January 11, 2012

average an average!Would an IQ result of 127 for 15 year old girl be average/above or below?

I just took an IQ test. I don't think the test would be completely valid for just general reasons of time consumption like scrolling down the page and such. But would 127 for a 15 year old girl be below average, average, or above? I'd really like to know, because I thought that I was smart... I don't want to find out I'm actually quite stupid! D:
Thanks guys! :)
100 is the average, so 127 is above average. Every seven years the tests are adjusted so that the 'average' test result will culminate in a scaverage an averageore of 100.

The online test you took would have taken into account your age and adjusted the score as such.

But online tests are not accurate! They can be several deviations off. You have to take a real test for it to mean anything.

If your IQ was really 127, it would be above average. But, as I mentioned, the online tests don't mean anything. The scores are inaccurate at best.
Did you take the IQ test online? Online IQ tests are extremely unreliable. I got 77 for an online IQ test, but when Iaverage an average took the WISC-IV with a psychologist, I scored a 134. A reliable IQ test must be administered by a licensed professional.

The average IQ, by definition, is 100. If your IQ is really 127 then you're significantly above average. Genius is usually defined as 140.
Its above average, actually.
Let's put it at about 4.125 stars.
its considered slightly above average, but below genius

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