Wednesday, January 11, 2012

lies about little things!If he lies about little things will he lie about the important stuff?

I am now living with my boyfriend and in the beginning he told me he made a certain amount of money and told me he had just started the job he is working to help his uncle(the owner of the compan) however i found out he has been working there longer. I know we all have secrets that we dont want to share right away. However, i have not lied about anything. so my question is if he lied to me about those things, do you think he is lying to me about his feelings and his intentions too?
I would feel exactly like you do. First, when we find out somebody lied or even conveniently left out information (which is still a lie) we get a weird feeling, then we try to dismiss it and say we are overreacting, and then we get suspicious. It is not good for suspicion to creep into a relationship. Secrets and lies have a way of coming out most of the time, just like his work time with his uncle. People who lie don't necessarily have to lie about something serious (he'll deny it or say he doesn't remember doing it) then say in order to fulfill each other's needs in your wonderful relationship, you both have to promise to be honest about everything. So this isn't enough to break you up, but you cannot be happy with him if you have this seed of doubt now, which you do. He might be a great guy, but nip it in the bud. Talk to him about it. Believlies about little thingse me, if he's a serial liar, you will see it unfold in your relationship one way or another. I can't vouch for his feeling or intentions, or tell you he's lying or not, but you are doubting his believability in some way now, so it is best to reinforce how important honesty is to you within your relationship. And here's my most important piece of advise to you: after you have this talk with him, if you are satisfied he "gets it," stop obsessing over it. Believe him and enjoy your relationship. Don't move about with him in a suspicious state because you will get paranoid and it will hurt your relationship. Either believe in him or get out. But clear the air now. Best to you.
Honey, that question answers itself.

My advice is don't be too eager to catch him in his lies because soon you'll start assuming he's doing things when he isn't. It would be like you waiting in a chair by the front door all night and accusing him of cheating on you when all he did was run to the convenient store for some gum, or whatever. You two are in a relationship so there still has to be a great degree of trust between you two.

At the same time, don't fall into denial. If you suspect he's maybe being unfaithful or dishonest about certain things, it's okay to ask him about them. Don't directly accuse him, but express your concerns.lies about little things Now, if it's quite obvious that his dishonesty is getting out of hand, PLEASE, do not keep telling yourself "Oh, he's gonna get better, he's gonna change." because there's a good chance he's not.

All in all, remember to forgive him, even if you do decide to leave him for whatever reason.
Honestly, No he will not..He is Human. And you shouldn't just judge him no matter what. If you have moved in with him, as a partner or friend you should learn to overlook the small stuff. If you really want it to work. He is a guy, he lies, I am yet to meet a single person who doesn't in life. He has his reason, and if he is ready he will tell you.
In my experience, if catch someone lying about little things, you wonder if they are lying about everything else they tell you and chances are they will lie about other things. A broken trust is hard to repair.
he probably will... sorry, but it would be best to break up with him...
Difficult to tell
Would you honestly believe in our answers for your boyfriend, whom we don`t know at all? You are about to make some conlusions based on the opinions of strangers...
sure will!
could be but it might not be its hard to tell

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