Monday, December 19, 2011

rhapsody radio!What device allows me to listen to music for free? Such as satellite radio and/or rhapsody?

Somtehing like an ipod that would allow me to either listen to satellite radio, or preferably: upload my playlist from rhapsody. I don't know much about the iPod or their competitors, so any information would help. I just donrhapsody radio't want to download every single song, since I am already a member of rhapsody, and also wouldn't mind free satellite radio that comes with the device.
An Android phone can play Rhapsody playlists, as well as play free radio srhapsody radioervices such as Slacker.

Otherwise Rhapsody works with a number of cheap MP3 players. You could give one of them a try.
I have an android and use pandora...its free...but the adless version you have to pay for

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